Beware Executive Protection Agents! Posting pictures of guns all over your social media is a treasure trove for attorneys if you get into a use of force or deadly force incident.
The executive protection industry is full of a lot of different types of people. Some agents put their clients first and foremost in everything they do and treat their job as incredibly serious. However, there are a number of agents out there who do not do this and think more about themselves than their client’s safety and security. These unprofessional executive protection agents are often more concerned about how they look and their social media presence.
Not only are clients far less safe when being protected by this type of agent, but there can be other types of problems later down the road, including legal troubles for the executive protection company.
There are a few distinct types of executive protection agents that protection companies need to avoid hiring at all costs in order to protect the company’s reputation and their clients. Keep reading to learn why a flashy executive protection agent who likes to show off his gun online is the last person you should be hiring to protect your clients. This article will also explore the right professional mindset an executive protection agent should have in order to do the job in the best way possible and keep yourself out of legal trouble.
The World Protection Group has client safety and confidence as the first priority always. Our agents are carefully chosen, fully trained, and monitored for professionalism and effectiveness in the field. We do not mess around with those flashy types of protection agents who do not care enough about their jobs. Instead, we employ the best of the best to keep our clients safe and ensure that consistent and regular training is happening year round.
Why You Should Not Post Your Gun on Instagram
Even some of the best executive protection agents may be tempted from time to time to post about their job on social media and show off their gun and protection skills. Afterall, it is only natural to be proud of doing this line of work, keeping people safe, and having the physical prowess to do so effectively.
However, the best executive protection agents will understand that using social media in this way is a huge mistake and can actually be a legal liability should things go wrong in the field.
Flashing a gun on social media and posting about the job can be dangerous in a few ways. Consider this instance: you regularly post about your gun and then are involved in an altercation that requires the use of force in order to protect the client. The individual will see this as a good opportunity to sue for damages, especially when clients are high-profile executives or celebrities.
Attorneys will look up your social media presence and be ecstatic at the sight of you showing off your gun. They can use this as evidence that you enjoy being violent and using force and that it may not have been required at all in the instance. They will have a field day suing the executive protection company and may even try to sue the client, which could have a horrible reputational effect for everyone involved and be a lengthy and expensive process.
Another issue that can arise from carelessly social media usage is directly related to client safety. Some executive protection agents travel with their clients and protect them during business trips and vacations. It is vital that the agent does not post about the trip while away. This can alert dangerous individuals online about the client’s whereabouts, resulting in two possible scenarios. It signals that the client is not at their residence, which is likely left empty and could be a good place to burglarize. Alternatively, it gives the location of the client meaning stalkers, violent offenders, or blackmailers could try to gain access to the client at the location, endangering their physical safety.
These are only a few reasons why executive protection agents need to be extremely careful about their online presence and how they post about their career. Client safety and wellbeing always needs to be considered and prioritized.
The Right and Wrong Types of Protection Agent
If you are a newer executive protection agent, there are some professional boundaries that need to be put in place and thoroughly understood in order to do your job well. There are some executive protection agents out there who think it is a fun lifestyle that allows them access to the rich and famous. Sometimes they even become friends with their clients, which can have big negative consequences for everyone.
Crossing professional boundaries means that the work an executive protection agent does can become confusing. Some clients may begin to ask their ‘buddyguard’ to do household chores and run errands for them. This is inherently dangerous as it separates the protection agent from the client. This leaves the client vulnerable to different threats and that should never happen.
Instead, an executive protection agent should have a professional mindset that puts their clients safety first. This mindset and protection instinct can be achieved through rigorous training, adhering to strict industry standards, and carrying oneself as a consummate professional.
As the protection industry becomes more standardized, there may be new certifications and standards that need to be kept to. This will help guide executive protection agents as they begin their career so they can better understand the pitfalls of things like posting their guns online.
Clients need to seek out the executive protection companies that understand what type of training is required and what type of mindset and instincts their agents should have. Being a professional executive protection agent may mean having to say ‘no’ to the client from time to time in order to keep them safe. Professional boundaries need to be put in place and maintained at all times for the safety, privacy, and security of the client.