High net worth individuals can feel secure that they will be protected from invasion of privacy, unexpected crimes, and public embarrassment. The agents at the World Protection Group are trained to allow their high net worth individuals to maintain their lifestyle while reducing any threat.
The training that the agents received is based on the U.S. Secret Service 3 Rings of Protection. This protocol is designed to heighten protection while reducing intrusiveness. The two key elements of this protocol are proactive and preventative executive security.
Our services can be divided into three key elements: agents, estate security, and lifestyle. These three key elements create a structure that analyzes risk and vulnerability, to bring their affluent individuals the best services.
Not Your Average Executive Protection Los Angeles
The Los Angeles bodyguards implemented by the World Protection Group come from many different types of backgrounds that help them utilize their skills and provide the best executive protection in Los Angeles.
These backgrounds range from military training, law enforcement, and the private sector. High net worth individuals can be guaranteed that the agents that are used have gone through extensive training in addition to their security background. The agents at the World Protection Group have also gone through background checks, psychological evaluation, as well as assessments and strengths tests.
This extensive training comes in two different processes:
1. Education Curriculum:
The World Protection Group offers a plethora of different educational classes for the educational curriculum. These classes are designed to train agents in intelligence techniques and law enforcement. The classes are also designed to train agents in how to evaluate and solve risks. There are several different courses involved in the educational curriculum. Some of these courses include Kidnapping, Assassination case studies, Advance Planning, Three Rings of Protection, Social Media Intelligence, Writing and Analyzing Intelligence Reports, and many others.
2. Certification Process:
The World Protection Group makes sure its agents have several different certifications for the jobs they might perform. For their Specialized Convoy, the World Protection Group wants its agents to have various certifications. The job required the agents to be certified in Automatic External Defibrillator, or also known as AED. The Automatic External Defibrillator certification trains agents on how to use a defibrillator. This certification is used in combination with CPR to ensure agents are trained in medical care. All of our agents are also trained in Emergency First Aid. They also carry trauma kits to aid in any medical emergency that high net worth individuals might face.
Both of these processes are done by The World Protection Group’s executive protection training programs. Based on The Ritz-Carlton gold standard, this highly specialized training offers several courses for the agents.
Our agents are also trained in combat, firearms, as well as defensive training. In addition to this training, our agents passed rigorous training in:
- Emergency Medical Response
- Advance Work and Planning
- Logistics
- Communications
- Surveillance
- Intelligence
Our company is also prepared for any financial liability that their high net worth individuals might face due to their lifestyle. They are equipped with 10 million dollars in armed liability insurance. This cap is a lot higher than most other security firms, as most normally only carry 1 million dollars or even less.
The agents also have worker’s compensation insurance to further aid and protect their high net worth individuals from any possible lawsuits that they might face. This allows the high net worth individuals to reduce their liability.
The World Protection Group strives to make sure that our clients have peace of mind while living their lifestyle.
High-End Los Angeles Estate Security
We understand the need for estate security for their high net worth individuals. We offer coverage around the clock, 24/7 and 365 days a year. Some of the services offered include both armed and unarmed executive protection agents, barriers, alarms, access control, and security systems.
The World Protection Group offers appropriate security policies, procedures, and security awareness training. Our agency works with the staff, family, and visitors of their high net worth individual to increase the estate security and gives the high net worth individuals the peace of the mind of knowing they are receiving the utmost quality in their estate security.
The World Protection Group also offers cybersecurity protection. The private networks that we use are both crash and hack-proof. They come with a 3D model schematic that are used by a touch screen pad for easy usage as well as fast operating and response times.
The cybersecurity service also offers sensors and cameras for the property of their high net worth individuals. When a sensor goes off, all of the cameras will focus on the area that is in question. The agents will investigate to see if there is an intruder and notify their high net worth individuals by a visible and audible alert.
Protecting VIP Lifestyle & Executive Protection Los Angeles
We have the best agents among other executive protection companies. Our protection agents are trained to operate in the background so that their high net worth individuals can maintain their lifestyle. When high net worth individuals travel, the agents will visit all of the points in the itinerary before arrival.
The agents will also write up a security plan that will detail the nearest hospitals, safe rooms, and front and back entrances depending on where their clients vacation.
The World Protection Group offers international travel security for high net worth individuals that travel abroad.
The World Protection Group offers the best agents, estate security, and lifestyle protection to help their high net worth individuals have peace of mind while maintaining their life. Feel free to contact our team for to request for a security assessment.