When it comes to modern, high-tech executive protection, drones have become an essential tool of the trade. Elite executive protection companies, such as the World Protection Group, have been ahead of the curve when it comes to utilizing drone technology, and only now are other companies just starting to realize the importance of drones in Executive Protection details.

What makes drones so vital to executive protection and security details? Numerous factors mean drones increase a security team’s ability to do its job and enhance protection measures, no matter who is being protected or where they are. Modern features on the best drones can actually deter crime as well.

Property Protection

Most celebrities and executives have huge estate properties that require regular security patrols, a high level of cameras, night vision, and other security measures. It can take a lot of manpower to constantly patrol a sprawling residence day and night, but it is necessary to keep the client safe. 

Read: 10 Reasons to Use Drones for Estate Security

Drones have made this task so much easier and more efficient. Rather than sending protection agents onto the property, drones can be sent up to fly an automated flight path and film and record whatever is happening on the estate for agents to watch closely from a control room. They can be programmed to fly at regular intervals and cover the entire property incredibly quickly. This requires less manpower and ensures that more of the estate is covered.

Furthermore, if someone is spotted trespassing on the property, many drones now have speakers attached. This means an agent can tell the trespasser they have been spotted, and the authorities are on their way. For intruders, this may be enough to scare them away from the property and ensure they never try to come back. Other features include thermal imaging technology and night cameras so that bad guys can be found even in the dark or if they are hiding in bushes or plantings. 

Read: The Newest and Most Sophisticated Drone Executive Protection Service


The agents in the command center can then follow an action plan to quickly alert the police, remove the intruder from the property, and keep the client far away from danger. It is incredibly efficient and keeps the client and the agents safer, as threats can be seen ahead of time and from a control room.


Another time when drones are essential is for surveillance. This can mean a couple of different things. For instance, if a stalker is harassing a client, the security detail may decide to do surveillance on the stalker to track their whereabouts. This requires less intrusion into the client’s life without losing sight of the risk. 

Read: Drones Are Used In Executive Protection

The stalker will likely not even know they are being watched and observed. The drone can be sent into the air from a block away and stay one hundred feet or more. Yet, the drone can still take clear photos and videos of the stalker. Should the bad guy ever head in the client’s direction, the protection detail can spring into action and ensure that all threats are handled appropriately and without causing distress to the client and their family.

The protection detail will also utilize the drone when carrying out a security advance. Security advances require complete forward planning and thinking to avoid all risks and plan for every potential danger. This will often require an agent to go to a destination ahead of time, map out a route, and then fly the drone to find any potential threats in the area. The drone can spot traffic jams, loitering individuals, or other risks affecting the client. This intelligence will help keep the protection detail informed and plan accordingly.

Event Security

Surveillance can also be beneficial before events where there may be many celebrities or other high profile individuals, such as executives or politicians. When these events occur, there must be at least three rings of protection, if not more. Drones can enhance the three Rings of Protection outside and inside the event space.

For instance, the agent may send up a drone to patrol the entire event area before and during the event. This ensures that all entrances are adequately secured and that no one who should not be there is trying to enter the space.

 Similarly, some small drones can be flown safely and discreetly within specific event spaces. These can monitor the event from an aerial view and ensure that no one looks dangerous in the vicinity of the client.

These are the key reasons why drones should be a part of every protection detail. They can keep a client safe from clear and present dangers but can also be instrumental in predicting risks and deterring criminals from committing an offense.

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Going the extra mile to give you peace of mind- that’s our goal. With exceptional quality security, personnel and programs, WPG gives you the security that no one else can. Providing the highest level of individualized service for our distinguished clientele.

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WPG is a full-service international security firm that specializes in Executive Protection. Our philosophy and techniques are modeled after the United States Secret Service method of providing proactive and preventative protection. WPG has worked with some of the most high profile individuals in the world.

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