The one thing high-level executives, celebrities, and billionaires do not have is privacy. It is a luxury that many struggle to buy because it takes expertise, awareness, and experience to achieve.

When you hire an executive protection group to ensure your safety, you will receive more than just security. You will also be able to obtain the privacy that has been eluding you.  A good team of specialists understands how to create an anonymous lifestyle that will ensure your privacy and enhance your security experience.

Why does the rich struggle to keep their lives private? In this article, we will explore this question and examine how your protection team can keep your life both safe and private.

This is something no other security firm has been able to accomplish. That is because security experts have hands-on experience creating private, anonymous lifestyles and help their clients with every step of the process.

Why Do the Rich Lack Privacy?

The most obvious reason why rich people lack privacy is that they are in the public eye far more than any other type of person. A high-profile lifestyle, such as those lived by celebrities and public-facing executives also draws interest from the public, which means they are watched closely by the press and tabloids.

Another reason, however, is that the rich are more likely to put their personal information out there without even realizing it. For instance, they may have their name attached to several businesses which can easily be connected to things like a home address or telephone number.

Celebrities and high-profile millionaires and billionaires also often use social media to their detriment. This tells the public where they are, if their home is empty for an extended amount of time, or even their daily habits.

Common Privacy Mistakes

There are a few ways that rich people and celebrities make big mistakes when it comes to their privacy and that is why they often do not have any.

Here are just a few examples of common privacy:

  • Attaching their name to property – this is a key mistake that many rich individuals make. You might think that simply having your residential property owned by your business is enough to keep your name disassociated with it.
    However, your name may still be attached to the business. This means the public will still be able to find out where you live, which is a major security risk and can put your life in danger.
  • Not being careful with social media – as mentioned above many high-profile individuals do not think twice about what they are posting on social media.
    Dangerous individuals can deduce where you live, if you are on vacation, or the restaurants or stores you frequent based on your social media activity.
    Be careful about what you post and make sure you never post outside of your home or even the surrounding area.
  • Using a basic phone – mobile phones can be more damaging to your privacy than you realize. They can track where you go, listen to what you say, and reveal your sensitive information.
    Having a special, anonymous phone is a crucial addition to your life if you want true privacy. A good personal security firm understands exactly how to get you an anonymous phone which will change the way you interact with those around you.

How to Gain the Luxury of Privacy

Privacy is not something that will just appear overnight. You will likely need the advice of an expert protection team and will need to closely adhere to their guidance. If you do these two things, you will realize that it is possible to have an anonymous lifestyle.

What is an anonymous lifestyle? Essentially, it is where all of your personal details and sensitive information are kept completely safe so that no member of the public can access this information.

The process of getting an anonymous lifestyle can be complex and will take time, effort, and dedication. It is important to know that not everyone is suited to an anonymous lifestyle and you will need to be committed for the process to work.

What Your Protection Company Will Do

If you hire the right type of executive protection company, then they will help you obtain an anonymous lifestyle as well as keep you safe on a daily basis.

Security experts know the key elements that create privacy. It is crucial that you sacrifice some convenience in order to stay anonymous.

Perhaps one of the most important things that elite services help clients get is an anonymous phone. An anonymous phone cannot be linked back to its owner and is never used to make or receive phone calls directly. Instead, through the use of specially chosen encrypted apps, the phone allows for completely private communication.

Think about Jeff Bezos and the exposure of his affair. This was only possible because his phone conversations and texts were traced back to his personal phone. If he had used an anonymous phone with no connection to him and a separate one for his girlfriend and used encrypted apps with alias numbers and names, his actions would have remained private and out of the public eye.

Bezos was failed by his protection team. Only the best executive protection companies  understand how crucial privacy is to their clients and also know how to get it for them.

The Real Value of Privacy

You might think that billionaires and celebrities have everything they could desire, but many of them desperately want privacy. They just don’t know how to get it.

The real value of privacy is indeterminable. You cannot put a price on privacy because it is a true luxury that will enhance your life in every way.

An elite protection company will ensure that their clients are protected physically and psychologically by integrating privacy measures. You cannot simply buy privacy, it needs to be honed and maintained through a series of careful actions that your protection team will help you through.

Luxury is Privacy.

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WPG is a full-service international security firm that specializes in Executive Protection. Our philosophy and techniques are modeled after the United States Secret Service method of providing proactive and preventative protection. WPG has worked with some of the most high profile individuals in the world.

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