Stop posting pictures of your house and children on social media. The bad guys can find you and target you for a home invasion robbery.
With crime rates on the rise across Los Angeles County, there are a few things that you need to do to make your property safer and less prone to an invasion robbery.
Many of us presume that social media is a harmless space to have fun, connect with friends, and post about life and adventures. However, your social media activity can lead to dangerous results in the wrong hands. Bad guys know how to use the internet for their gain and can take what you think is just a nice photo into a golden opportunity for crime.
Clients likely need to change their social media habits as soon as possible to increase their safety and home security. There are some simple and highly effective ways to do this that only require small lifestyle changes. An elite executive protection company can assist their clients in understanding how to use social media in a safer way that will not compromise their or their family’s safety.
Please keep reading for our practical, easy tips on minimizing threats that result from careless social media usage and the other ways that an executive protection company can bring confidence and safety to a client’s life.
How Not to Use Social Media
High-profile executives, celebrities, and millionaires are usually very aware that they are primary targets for criminals looking to take advantage of them, harm them, or steal from them. Usually, they act with caution in their day-to-day life to help combat this. However, clients often forget to be cautious about social media.
The ‘bad guys can use social media to find out a wealth of information about a client, including their address, current whereabouts, and other personal details. This can lead to armed robberies or even assault in the worst instances, so clients must think carefully every time they post on Instagram or other social media platforms.
What exactly should a client avoid doing on Social Media?
First, the client’s house, especially the exterior, should never be posted. Criminals online can use images like this to find out precisely where a client lives and then plan a home invasion robbery, or stalkers may use this information for other dangerous purposes. The homes of the rich and famous will always be a target because criminals naturally know that there are likely to be expensive goods within the residence that they can easily steal, such as purses, watches, and jewelry.
Refrain Posting Pictures of Your Children
Clients should also do their best to refrain from posting any pictures of their children or should at least cover the child’s face so that they are not recognizable. Bad guys on the internet can use these images for blackmail or even plot around harming the child. While this might seem an extreme situation, it is one instance where it is always better to be safer than sorry.
Never Post Anything In Real-Time
Another time when caution should be shown is posting anything in real-time. Both clients and their security detail should never post about their whereabouts in real-time; this includes being at home, visiting restaurants, or even when on vacation.
Posting a photo of where you are at that exact moment can lead to numerous threats. For instance, if a criminal knows that a millionaire is on vacation in another country, they know that it is the perfect time to launch a home invasion robbery with minimal chance of detection. Alternatively, stalkers or other dangerous individuals could see a photo taken at a public place and be able to follow a celebrity back to their home.
Protection Agents Should Not Post Photos Of Their Client
These tips do not just apply to the client, though. An elite executive protection agent should follow these precautions and be even more careful and professional in their use of social media. For instance, a protection agent should never be posting photos of themselves with the client, even if they have a positive professional relationship. It simply is not wise to have protection agents linked with their clients because criminals can use this information for their gain by tracking the protection agent’s whereabouts and activity.
For example, if a criminal sees the protection agent is accompanying the client on vacation but is posting photos of themself not on duty, the criminal can then presume that the client is left unprotected and vulnerable. These instances need to be avoided at all costs, and careful use of social media can help.
Avoid Posting Personal Email Address
Lastly, there are a lot of young models and actresses on Instagram who may not have their security team and are also using social media dangerously. Of course, social media is vital to their careers and an essential part of their PR strategy. However, some of these young women and men choose to post their email addresses on their profiles to encourage brands to reach out to them.
This should always be avoided, especially if they use Gmail as their email platform. Gmail is not secure enough to be posted publicly for anyone to see. People do not realize that a criminal can often discover an individual’s private home address and other personal details from a Gmail address. Of course, this can lead to perilous encounters that could otherwise been avoided.
Hire an Elite Protection Company for Your Privacy and Security
Criminals on the internet should never be underestimated because they know exactly how to use and manipulate your social media and private information for their gain. It can be challenging to adjust your habits and social media presence; however, it is a critical step to take to enhance your privacy and security.
Clients will likely feel safer and more comfortable in their own homes when these precautions are put into place by their protection team. An elite protection company can also offer further guidance and expertise on how to use social media and keep your private information safe and out of the hands of the bad guys.