Expecting the unexpected is a skill you must learn if you’re running a business. Having a plan in place is a must if you want to deal with events that are totally out of your control. Not knowing what to do when this happens will be definitely catastrophic for your business.

Now that civil unrest has become more common nowadays, you must brace yourself for shooting and other crimes that will threaten the security of your business and the people working for you.

While it’s true that you can’t control other people and what they can do to you, you can take steps to minimize the risks of other’s actions.

It’s not enough that you get insurance for your business and assets, but you should also consider implementing security measures that will shield your business against crimes such as theft, burglary, and embezzlement.


How to Use Security Measures to Protect Your Business

Businesses big or small can suffer from the cost of crimes against people and property. You worry not just about common crimes like theft and shoplifting, but also crimes against customers, employees, and business owners. These are less common, but they can be more traumatic and tragic when they happen.

You will never get rid totally of the effects of crime against your business, but at least you can make decisions that can lessen its likelihood and impact.

These decisions primarily involve facility location and building security.

  • Site Selection

Location is everything, this is the best motto when it comes to real estate, and this is especially true when it comes to the security of your business.

It’s not entirely possible to avoid high-crime areas—in fact, these areas are usually cheaper in terms of rent—so you should invest more in the security of your facility.

So from the money you save from rent, you can use it to buy a good security system or hire competent security staff.

  • Building Security Features

This will depend on the kind of business you operate. You also need to consider how severe the potential crime threats are. Some of the common building security features are:

  • Steel security doors, which should be installed in areas of the building away from public view
  • Security alarm systems that include window and door alarms, motion sensors, and breaking glass detectors
  • External lighting on all access points of the building, parking lots, and docking facility
  • Parking lots and vehicle storage areas with fences and limited access
  • Security cameras with video recording system and monitored with on-site security staff
  • Bullet-proof security glass installed in high-threat areas, such as places where large quantities of cash and extremely valuable items are kept

How to Choose Effective Security Measures

Your choices will depend on the severity of the threats that your business may encounter, but it’s always a good idea to use security agents to complement your workplace safety features.

You can hire guards directly or let a private security company provide you with agents. This, plus trained guard dogs that will roam around the premises after closing, is a great combination.

  • Create a Written Security Policy

You need to get everything on paper when you enforce your security policies. These should include at least the following, security program and committee, areas with limited access, visitor restrictions, rules about the removal of company property, and escort service to vehicles if that’s available.

Your policies should be clear on entering and exiting the premises, crime reporting, employee theft, substance abuse, and other security processes.

Make it a standard operating procedure to conduct a background check on new employees which should be done before they start working for you.

The new employees should be briefed on security-related processes and procedures. For instance, they should know not to hold the door open for people coming from behind them when entering the premises, since that person may not be an employee.

  • Property Management

This may sound so obvious, but do regular checks to ensure that all doors and windows are equipped with sturdy locks.

These should be done before the place is locked up for the night. A door that was locked yesterday may not be locked right now. Even if you didn’t see anyone use the door, it’s still prudent to check again.

Take full advantage of the locks and key control at your disposal—use deadbolt locks and double cylinder locks wherever appropriate.

When it comes to key control, make sure to issue as few keys as possible and make a strict policy regarding the “loaning out” of keys. Take regular inventory of the keys and control who can make duplicates.

You need to protect the boundaries of your property with the use of perimeter security. First, make sure that your business address is visible especially online, and easy for emergency personnel to find in case of unfortunate events. Second, incorporate effective landscaping in order to ward off burglars.

You need to eliminate or protect hidden entries and potential hiding places within the premises. You also have to investigate your lighting options—the placement, the types of lights used, etc.

  • Implement a Video Surveillance System

A proactive system that makes use of solutions such as live video monitoring should be used in place of reactive systems, in which you have to wait for alarm triggers before you do something. 

The said system can help prevent crimes even before they happen. This involves placing cameras strategically and hiring trained security agents to be on the lookout for anything suspicious.


Protecting Your Business and Staff is Essential

If anything happens, the security staff can easily activate speaker warnings and call the police, giving the cops to arrive at the premises on time before the criminals can escape from the property.

Initiating these steps will make a huge difference in the protection of your business and staff. Peace of mind is an invaluable asset, you will always be ready in case anything goes wrong with the help of your trusted security protection agents who will be with you every step of the way to ensure safety and security.


Business photo created by bedneyimages – www.freepik.com

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Going the extra mile to give you peace of mind- that’s our goal. With exceptional quality security, personnel and programs, WPG gives you the security that no one else can. Providing the highest level of individualized service for our distinguished clientele.

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WPG is a full-service international security firm that specializes in Executive Protection. Our philosophy and techniques are modeled after the United States Secret Service method of providing proactive and preventative protection. WPG has worked with some of the most high profile individuals in the world.

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