When it comes to executive protection, everyone thinks they are an expert. From clients to those that they are with, we are constantly bombarded with requests that, if taken, would undermine our ability to protect our clients effectively. When it comes to executive protection, think of your expert like you would a brain surgeon.
They know how to protect the client. Trust Them
When it comes to your health, you would never tell a brain surgeon how to operate on you. The same should be true when it comes to your safety. Most client representatives have no training in protection, but still, try to tell us where to go and what to do. Unfortunately, that compromises their safety and could put them in a similar situation they’d be in if we weren’t there altogether. Make sure always to respect your protection expert’s authority and knowledge. They are there to keep you safe, much like how your brain surgeon is there to keep you alive. You must develop trust in allowing them to freely operate and make the best decisions for the client’s protection.
They Want the Best For You
Just like your brain surgeon, your protection agent wants the best for you. Your security and safety is as much as their priority as it is for you. When you make requests, such as to protect another individual and leave you unprotected, you are asking them to do something against your best interest. You would never tell your brain surgeon where to cut or even how, because you trust that they want you to survive. So too does your protection agent. Always trust them and know that they have your safety as their number one priority. You can’t manage a protection detail as a client representative from a totally different time zone. It only leads to executive protection agents being frustrated and the feeling of being micromanaged. This can lead to failure.
Developing the Best Plans
When it comes to your brain, your surgeon will have a plan for how they are going to perform the surgery before they enter the room. You’d never want your surgeon to walk into something they haven’t seen or thought about before. The same is true when it comes to executive protection. Like a brain surgeon, the protection company you work with will devise a plan before they are required to protect you. We may use a drone to surveil an area and come up with an escape or alternative routes, or we do research and advances to know where the nearest hospital if you are in poor health. Either way, a plan is devised to fit your specific needs.
You Need To Trust
All of these examples deal with trust. When you go under the knife, you trust that your surgeon is experienced and has taken the time to review your file and learn about your specific problem. Like a surgeon, an executive protection agency should do the necessary research to protect you and your loved ones from threats. For example, if you are traveling, they will learn about any potential risks and threats in the area you are going to. This is much like how a brain surgeon will learn about any previous health conditions you have had to ensure that you are safe.
Most people trust their surgeon. When you tell an executive protection company what to do and how to be protected, you are showing that you do not trust them with your safety and security. It’s in your best interest to work with the company you trust most.