Unfortunately, violent crime is rising nationwide, particularly in urban centers. Women and older generations have always been targets for robberies and assaults because they are perceived as easier to overcome and harm and less able to fight back. With this in mind, it is more important than ever for all women and older people to feel that they can defend themselves and have the means to do so.

It is highly recommended that all women carry pepper spray. This should not just be a small tube but rather a large canister that can spray for upwards of five to ten seconds and up to ten feet away from them. When encountering a potential threat, you should have the means to protect yourself effectively.

Why Should You Carry Pepper Spray?

This is recommended because many people, especially older individuals, have limited security awareness. It is alarming to see women walking down the street, engrossed in their cell phones, completely unaware of their surroundings or the potential danger approaching them. Criminals could easily rob or abduct these women, and bystanders might be unable to intervene. Even if someone notices the threat, many women become paralyzed with fear and do not react in time.

Training in self-defense or owning pepper spray can help women and older people feel prepared and able to take quick, decisive action to protect themselves. Therefore, all women and older people should have pepper spray in their hands when walking down the street in case of a random attack on them.

Violent attacks are every day.

It might sound overdramatic or panicky; however, these attacks happen frequently, every single day. Advising people to carry pepper spray and remain vigilant is not an exaggeration.. Historically, women and older members of the public have been targets for various crimes, including violent assaults and robberies, leaving victims with lasting physical and mental trauma, which is horrifying.

Why do these attacks occur so often? One problem is people’s general lack of security awareness; another is distraction and inattentiveness, leaving anyone vulnerable to a violent attack. Unfortunately, women and older individuals are perceived as easier targets, making them more likely victims of such attacks. Hence, women and older people must be more alert and cautious, even when walking down the street.

Another crucial point to remember is that these attacks don’t only happen at night or in deserted areas; they can occur anywhere. People need to ensure that they remain alert and cautious at all times. Carrying pepper spray can help maintain this vigilance, demonstrating a proactive approach to personal safety.

Stay focused, and don’t be distracted.

We see it all the time: people walking down the street while talking on the phone, texting, following a map, or even watching a video. While this appears to be the norm, it should not be, especially when faced with a crime epidemic. Allowing yourself to be distracted means not watching out and staying alert. It is even more dangerous at night when the light from your phone screen is advertising your location to bad guys.

Taking in your surroundings is also essential. Put away your phone and look around you. This includes taking stock of everyone who is around you. For example, look out for suspicious or unstable-looking individuals, but also the homeless population or drug addicts. While it might appear that everyone is leaving you alone, you need to know where people are situated and how to get away if needed.

While it is recommended for all women and older generations to carry pepper spray, it is a valuable tool for self-defense for anyone. If you need more confidence in fighting off a bad guy or simply want an additional layer of protection, pepper spray is a simple yet incredibly effective tool to invest in and carry with you.

WPG to Help You with Enhanced Security Measures

Pepper spray can be an effective tool for personal safety, as it can incapacitate an attacker temporarily, allowing the potential victim to escape and seek help. However, laws regarding the possession and use of pepper spray vary by location. It’s essential to be aware of your area’s local regulations and restrictions. Some places may have age restrictions or require a permit or training to carry pepper spray. Consult with a security expert or with executive protection for enhanced security measures.

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