As a security expert on protection of public political figures, high net worth families, celebrities, we are always concerned and trying to help people that cannot afford security but call us for advice and help. WPG is committed to help people who have been threatened by someone before they commit violence or attack anyone.
WPG would make basic security recommendations for political officials without security which includes adding a security component by the political official’s staff. These recommendations can be used for future planning of any future public event.
- Notify local law enforcement to see if they will have a uniform patrol police officer present at the event or patrol the area where event is being held. If any threats have been to a political official by someone in that town or city let law enforcement know about these threats.
- Have all staff members trained in CPR, First Aid, and Automated External Defibrillator.
- Have a trauma kit and AED in the car of the political official.
- Staff members should make a decision on who will decide to evacuate the official, call the Police, and administer first aid if necessary.
- The staff should be trained to look for people that don’t fit in or are acting strange and keep an eye on them. Arrive at the location earlier to be able to detect any possible suspicious person’s in the area.
- Have a buffer zone that the political official can go to if there is an emergency.
- If the event is indoors establish a safe room to evacuate the official if needed.
- Have an evacuation plan in place and a car staged near the official so that you can evacuate rapidly in an emergency.
- The staff should have a list of people that have made threats in the past, whose pictures are distributed to the staff, and information on where these people live are kept on file. Staff members should be briefed on any possible visits of these people at the event.
- Utilize a private security firm that specializes in executive/dignitary protection and protection agents that have this specialized training. Most law enforcement or military do not have this specialized protective training.
- If there is security at the location of the event get them involved in the planning to make sure they can assist in case of an emergency.
These are a few recommendations to keep political officials safe in the future.