When it comes to executive protection in the 21st century, technology is an essential element. The best protection companies provide far more than just traditional protection agents that operate on the ground. Now, they should be operating the best technology alongside their agents so that their clients receive 360 security. There is everything from biometric access points to high level threat monitoring that can be added to a client’s security detail in order to enhance safety and monitoring.

Modern Technology for Enhanced Safety and Security

Leveraging technology in close protection can provide several advantages, including improved situational awareness, real-time threat assessment, and quicker response times. Here are some key ways technology is being utilized for enhanced VIP security.

Personalized Approach to Security

High quality executive protection companies do not have a one size fits all approach to security details. Instead, security needs to be personalized and bespoke for every client because needs and levels of security will vary from person to person. To accomplish this, it is important for the protection team to carry out an initial assessment. This is an opportunity to take stock of the client’s security needs and any gaps in their current security, both at home and when they are on the move.

Following the initial assessment, the team can build a personalized security plan that is comprehensive and addresses all types of risks that might arise. A proactive approach is always better than a reactive one because it allows for threat monitoring in a careful and planned way instead of spontaneous actions. 

Technology can then be effectively integrated into the client’s security plan in a way that enhances their safety without sacrificing their sense of privacy or comfort in their own home.

Biometric Technology

One of the most effective technologies in security is biometric access technology. This works in a variety of ways but is a very good way of securing residential and business properties. Essentially, biometric data is connected to a person’s fingerprints or, less commonly, face or eye recognition. With a traditional lock, you have to worry about someone breaking in with a stolen, lost, or copied key or pincode. With a biometric access lock, only selected individuals will have access to the property. Some clients might choose to have this technology installed at their gate or front door, but others might only want it for specific areas of the property, such as their office or safe room. It depends on the  client and how comfortable they are with smart technology. CEOs and other high profile executives might also choose to have biometric access installed in their office buildings for enhanced security. 

It is much more difficult for bad guys to gain access when there are biometric access points, and it can actually deter criminals who will know that they cannot fool or bypass a biometric scan.

Threat Monitoring

When it comes to threat monitoring, an executive protection team will carry out protective intelligence and monitor it to ensure that a proactive plan can be put into place. With modern technology, threats can now be monitored in real time, which is incredibly beneficial for any security detail because they can act as soon as danger or an immediate threat is identified.

There are different technologies that  enable real time threat detection and monitoring. For example, more traditional surveillance cameras at a residence can feed back live video to a command room where a protection agent is stationed and watching. Another option is drone usage. Modern drones can now provide live video to the protection team. This allows the agents to monitor the entire estate in a highly efficient way through a regular, pre-programmed route across the property.

Smart Surveillance & Drone Technology 

Modern surveillance & the use of drones has become more and more high tech and has joined in on the trend toward smart technologies. Not only can cameras detect activity, but they can often identify the type of activity and even analyze who is in the footage. For example, if someone is attempting to break into a client’s property, the camera and sensors will pick up on the motion, identify what the individual is trying to do, capture facial features, and alert the security system and protection team. All of this is done in real time so that the threat can be neutralized and the authorities alerted. Drones can be programmed to conduct patrols of the property and they have the ability to be used 24/7 and even communicate with a bad-guy trying to get onto the property.

Smart surveillance & drones are also used for estate security. It allows the client and their protection team to monitor the residence 24/7 even when they are on the other side of the world. This can provide a deep sense of confidence and assurance that the home is being kept safe and secure both day and night.

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#1 in High End Protection Services

We offer the best solution for all your security needs, providing superior service while offering the best possible security coverage and protection one would expect.


Top Notch Security Personnel

Giving you the best of the best! We provide highly skilled professionals with years of military and security background and training, offering you the finest security protection available.


Always Exceeding Expectations

Going the extra mile to give you peace of mind- that’s our goal. With exceptional quality security, personnel and programs, WPG gives you the security that no one else can. Providing the highest level of individualized service for our distinguished clientele.

About Us

WPG is a full-service international security firm that specializes in Executive Protection. Our philosophy and techniques are modeled after the United States Secret Service method of providing proactive and preventative protection. WPG has worked with some of the most high profile individuals in the world.

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