Screening, Vetting and Monitoring Employees:

WPG will discuss labor statistics and how the cost to hire inappropriately suited employees is higher for employers (poor performance, theft, drug abuse, extra HR issues with the employee, missed work, lack of productivity, affects on moral, sexual harassment, loss of a client or clients) vs. spending the money to conduct a thorough background check and conduct pre-employment screening. The benefits outweigh costs with happy clients, minimized internal security risks and lower turnover.
Kent will discuss how WPG screens employees for corporate and family clients. He will further discuss the methods they use to look for integrity flaws, propensity for untruthfulness, criminal backgrounds and others.

The event begins at 11:30 and will go to 1:45 and includes lunch.

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#1 in High End Protection Services

We offer the best solution for all your security needs, providing superior service while offering the best possible security coverage and protection one would expect.


Top Notch Security Personnel

Giving you the best of the best! We provide highly skilled professionals with years of military and security background and training, offering you the finest security protection available.


Always Exceeding Expectations

Going the extra mile to give you peace of mind- that’s our goal. With exceptional quality security, personnel and programs, WPG gives you the security that no one else can. Providing the highest level of individualized service for our distinguished clientele.

About Us

WPG is a full-service international security firm that specializes in Executive Protection. Our philosophy and techniques are modeled after the United States Secret Service method of providing proactive and preventative protection. WPG has worked with some of the most high profile individuals in the world.

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311 North Robertson Boulevard Suite 776
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

(310) 390-6646

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